Friday, May 27, 2011

Blog 7

Video 1:
Video 2:

The two videos that were filmed by my group were based off of the same joke but had some very noticeable differences. These differences include the way we used and manipulated space and movement in the videos. As well as the ways these videos contrasted, i will also discuss the affinities between the two.

First of all, the big difference that you can notice while viewing these two videos is the way we used space when filming. The first video that we filmed made use of deep space because the characters were in no way limited in the scene. This was achieved by shooting the video outdoors where there wasn't anything limiting movement except for trees. The second video that we made was filmed entirely indoors in one of our dorm's study lounges which gave the viewer a sense of very limited space.

The second thing that we took into consideration to make the same joke different was the way we used movement in the videos. This first video used a lot more spastic and quick movement while the second had very limited movement. In the first video, we made a lot of spastic movement while the characters were talking such as hand gestures to get our points across not only using audio, but also using visuals. We also used some quick camera movement such as zooming into one of the character's faces to show his emotion and give the audience an idea of how that character acted. In the second video, we did not use a lot of movement in general, and the characters were sitting down for the majority of the scene. The movement that we did use in the second video was very lethargic and limited compared to the first video.

There are many ways that the viewer can draw contrasts between the two videos, but there aren't that many noticeable affinities. One of the huge contrasts between these two videos that i did not mention yet is the way they make the audience feel. The first video focuses more on the emotion of the characters which makes it a lot more didactic than the other video. The characters in the second video did not show much emotion which makes it active and allows the audience to draw their own conclusions. As far as the affinities between the two videos go, they obviously share the same joke, but also the same visual rhythm. The two videos flow in the same way, and neither one is faster than the other.

In conclusion, each video shares things that makes them similar, but for the most part they are very different because they are totally different approaches to the same joke.

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